Top 25 Flight Deals

If you're a Canadian who travels a lot, there is nothing better than finding cheap travel deals. The hardest part, though, is finding them from a trustworthy company that you can rely on. We have booked thousands of successful trips and have earned our customers' trust. We can find travel deals in Canada that you will love for any trip you need

How to Find Daily Flight Deals on

The following are some of the easiest ways to find daily flight deals on

Subscribe into the newsletters and notifications

Finding cheap flight deals on is not as difficult as it seems to be. The best thing to do primarily is to subscribe to the newsletters and notifications. This is in fact, the best way to set an alert on the fare changes is to simply sign up for these alerts for once. As a result, the travellers may get notified on any announcements related to the airlines anytime they wish to plan on their travel.

Be flexible with your travel dates

Decide the dates on which you would like to book your flight tickets. Also, fix a set of tentative dates and check for the fares on those dates. Also, know the cheapest months to travel to your destination. Go through the website and understand the best deals and offers and choose what suits you the best.

Plan well in advance

Plan for the most economic airlines to make your flight reservations with. For the same, use tools and find cost-effective preferences. Also, set a price alert and stay notified on the airline that offers you air tickets at those rates. Similarly, be clear in your mind on the origin and destination to board your flights. Most significantly, stay notified on the price drops and hikes before making your flight bookings.

Compare well before booking

Have a clear idea of the prices of round trip flight tickets and one-way flight tickets separately. Usually, the prices of flights differ according to the airlines. If so, book them on different airlines. This also helps the travellers to derive the most of their travel experience too. Thus, it seems to be the best to make comparisons in order to save better and travel for less.

Get to know the cheapest months for travel

As you begin to make your flight bookings, check the dates as of when you have tickets for the airlines that you look forward to flying with. Plan on the months in which you would like to make your flight reservations. Alter your booking dates as per these months in order to spend less on your travel.

Travel on the cheaper days

Usually, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays are said to be the cheaper days to travel. However, simply knowing the cheaper days is not enough to travel for less. The time of the day that the traveller makes his flight bookings is also one of the reasons to travel for less. The fares of the flights keep fluctuating each and every day. Hence, it is vital to keep an eye on them while booking.

Which airlines are the cheapest to fly with?

The cheapest airlines to fly with are Emirates, Qatar Airways and Etihad. These airlines offer travellers with flight tickets at cheaper rates. Also, the services that they offer to travellers during the flight is in fact one of the main reasons why travellers opt for them while it comes to flight bookings.

1. How does BookOtrip find such low flight prices?

BookOtrip clearly understands the requirement of travellers to travel for less. Accordingly flight tickets are offered at desirable rates that make the travel economic, comfortable and cost-effective.

2. How do I find cheap flight deals on BookOtrip?

Log on to the BookOtrip website. Enter the information that you have been asked for, such as the boarding point and your travel destination and choose from the offers and deals availed.

3. Does BookOtrip query more flight providers than competitors?

Yes. BookOtrip queries more flight providers than competitors since the ultimate aim of this travel agency is to help the travellers make the wisest choice in making a preference amongst the cheap flight deals as per the travel requirements.

4. How does BookOtrip's fare tracker tool help me choose the right time to buy?

BookOtrip’s fare tracker tool helps the travellers to make bookings on economic flights by tracking the cheapest fares to their destination. This way, all your flight bookings can be made in a more convenient, easier and faster way.

5. Which are the cheapest airlines to book air tickets with?

The cheapest airlines to book air tickets with are Emirates, Etihad and Qatar airways. These are the airlines that understand and support the travel requirements and support them through offers and sales.

6. How much in advance should I be booking my flights?

It is suggested to make flight bookings at least four weeks prior travel to make flight reservations easier and also make use of the best flight deals.

7. How do I get the cheapest flights?

All you need to get the cheapest flights is to sign up for the newsletters, notifications, and alerts for your flights. BookOtrip helps you with finding the cheapest deals on your flight tickets.

8. Which are the cheapest days to book flights on?

The cheapest days to book your flights are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.

9. How do I stay notified of the best flight deals available?

Staying notified on the best flight deals is now simplified by signing into the newsletters, notifications, and alerts of BookOtrip.

10. Which are the airlines that assure cheap flight deals to their travellers?

The airlines that offer cheap airlines to their travellers are Emirates, Etihad and Qatar airways.

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